Today goals

  • Things you should know before assembly
    1. Fastq format
    2. Fasta format
    3. GC- content
    4. Status of genome
  • Step to bacterial sequencing analysis

Things you should know before assembly

Fastq format

start with @

@cc3e68c4-b53d-43da-be7e-b961113007e2          -> sequence name
+                                              -> quality line break
#%(*))++.2/148447;7+001./18-7-,,30&*2          -> quality score

Fasta format

start with >

>tig00000001				           -> sequence name


the percentage of nitrogenous bases on a DNA or RNA molecule that are either guanine or cytosine $$ \frac{G+C}{A+T+G+C} \times 100 \% $$

Satuts of genome

genome status

1. contig

A contig is a set of overlapping DNA segments that together represent a consensus region of DNA.

2. scaffold

To bridge the gaps between the two contigs called scaffold.

3. complete

Didn’t have fragment, chromesome is in one contig

complete genome

Step to bacterial sequencing analysis


Step 1. Quality Control - Assessing the quality of TGS

1.1 Checking raw read statistics

Tools : abyss-fac

$ abyss-fac -t 1 read.fastq contig.fasta


  • n : Number of raw read

  • N50 : A value that present 50% of sorted read set

Alt text

  • Max: longest read length

  • Sum: Total read length

1.2 QC report

Tools : FastQC

$ fastqc -f read.fastq -o outdir

Step 2. Trimming Filtering Data - Preprocessing of raw data (optional)

2.1 Filter raw read

Tools : filtlong

Usually used in coverage too high, trim too short reads, and want to keep raw read in between a range

2.2 Demultiplexing, Trimming adapter (barcode)

Tools : porechop, deepbinner

$ porechop -i reads.fastq -o output.fastq # adapter trimming
$ porechop -i reads.fastq -b output.fastq # demultiplexing 

Step 3. Sequence Assembly - Long read genome assembly

3.1 De novo assembly

Tools : Canu, Unicycler, Flye, Ra

$ canu -p genomename -d outdir genomeSize=4.8m -nanopore-raw read.fastq
$ unicycler -l read.fastq -o outdir

de novo

Step 4. Assembly Validation

4.1 Assembly evaluation

Tools: abyss-fac, assembly-stats

  1. Total assembly size
  2. Total number of sequence
  3. Longest contig
  4. Average contig size
  5. N50

4.2 Assembly status graph

Tools : Bandage

Is it circular or linear ?

Tools : BLAST, MiGA

4.4 Quality of genomes

Tools : Checkm, busco